Therapies Offered
Find the massage that’s right for you.
“Resting is a very important practice, says Thich Nhat Hanh. Our physical body needs rest to restore itslf.”
Athletes, from Olympians, D-1, or weekend warriors benefit from massage because it aids in recovery, reduces anxiety, and provides release of toxins while replacing much needed oxygen, fluid balance, and reduction of pain. The largest benefit of massage: it aids in preventing injuries.
Relaxed muscles perform better, recover faster, and generally permit the athlete (you) to experience a higher quality of training. As a secondary benefit, the release of key neurotransmitters, serotonin (natural pain reliever) oxytocin and endorphins, ensure that athletes like all massage recipients, leave the practitioner’s table feeling refreshed with an overall sensation of increased peacefulness and wellbeing. As an athlete you know
the value of doing right by your body such as eating healthy, training, resting. Massage is rest, with a purpose. Massage is just one more facet of keeping you finely tuned so that you can take on that next race, jump higher, swing harder, swim faster, garden longer, or finally finish your “I’ll get to it later” list.
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”
Being pregnant is an exciting time. It can also be a time of increased stress that includes anxiety, rapid body changes, sleep disturbances, and increased awareness of things you never knew you cared about. Prenatal massage helps to relieve a myriad of concerns during pregnancy. This can include some or all some of the following:
- Reduced back pain
- Reduced joint pain
- Reduced edema
- Reduced muscle tension headaches
- Reduced stress and anxiety
While also improving:
- Circulation, allowing for easier waste removal and rejuvenation of tired, achy body systems
- Improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles, good for you and your growing new being
- Better sleep, which ensures you have the strength, patience, and agility to adapt to these next 10 months
There are times, when it is possible that massage will be contraindicated, therefore, it is vital that you discuss your pregnancy with your practitioner. Together, you both will create the best possible massage experience.
You superhero, you! Congratulations on being at this place in your journey with cancer. Persons undergoing cancer treatment often have ready access to wellness practices including massage. Sadly, and often, only while in treatment. Therefore, I have created a space for survivors, like you, to still have access to the benefits of massage. Surviving cancer is not for the faint of heart, as you well know. Massage’s benefits to you post active treatment are all available to you – as a survivor. Perhaps even more so to ease the anxiety that comes from chronic hypervigilance about every bump, lump, bruise, ache, twitch, cough, you name it, massage can help quell the “it must be back” voice. Taking an hour to quiet the inner voice increases the likelihood that you will:
Sleep better
Experience Reduced Anxiety
Learn more about your body and how it “holds” the trauma of cancer within your muscles
Come to trust your body, again
Learn new strategies for adjusting to the changes in your body, sans cancer
Learn to trust that “scars happen” and that they are trophies to be celebrated. They are your badge, your access code to an elite group of super-heroes with super-powers.
“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
(Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Nerve pain from Shingles, etc)
Massage helps your body to release toxins, increase “feel good” neurotransmitters including serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins while permitting much needed constructive rest. This gives your body time to re-calibrate. Massage invites your nervous system to move from its “fight, flight, freeze” status into one of rest and release.
- Increases serotonin and oxytocin, which reduce pain naturally
- Reduces likelihood of needing surgery
- Naturally increases deep sleep
- Increases range/ease/quality of motion
- Lowers anxiety and improves mood
Massage helps the body “take 10” without you feeling guilty for “not doing anything”. Think of massage as part of your “to do” list. It is the part of your week, day, month that you can count on where you get to “turn it all off” for 75, 90, or 120 minutes. Permitting your body to engage in constructive rest, allows you to refocus, de-stress, detox, move with ease into challenging situations (work, parenting, caregiving) and generally manage all that lays before you with a renewed sense of composure and wellbeing.
“Tension is who you think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are.”
Ancient Chinese Proverb
Many of the psychological symptoms for which people seek medical relief may well be eased through massage, because:
Massage lowers blood pressure
Massage increases blood flow and oxygenation within the body
Massage releases stored toxins from muscles
Massage increases your sense of well-being
Massage increases quality of life and longevity
Massage creates space for you to take care of self, guilt free
Massage creates an experience of connectedness, being valued, and heard
Massage leaves your body feeling aligned, centered, and grounded

My pricing structure reflects the value of your time, as my client. Because your body is never the same on any given day, each session includes understanding your unique concerns; whether this is your first or your hundredth body therapy session. When you gift yourself a massage, that means 75, 90, or 120 minutes of actual massage therapy. Therefore, as you plan this time for yourself, please allow a total of fifteen (15) minutes for me to glean information from you at the beginning and end of your session.
All rates acknowledge the inherent value of your time, and the quality of therapy you can expect from the practitioner. Because of this, Metamorphosis Body Therapies has a NO TIPS policy.
*All sessions, unless otherwise requested, will include aroma therapy, because you deserve this. Essential oils used include: lavender (warm hand towel at the end of your session), eucalyptus (warm cervical neck alignment), peppermint (feet).
Seasonal oils may include: Citrus Scents
75 minutes
90 minutes
120 Minutes
Sliding Scale (with ID or verification of current enrollment)
Student Discount
(any student, any age, any degree or trade)
75 minutes
Reduce stress, study more effectively, sleep better, reduce anxiety, find calm in the chaos.
90 minutes
Hot Stones:
Reduce, more fully, tensional holding with hot stones.
Add to
Any session

House Calls:
- By appointment only
- Must be within 30 minutes of practitioner's studio
- ONLY after initial first session at practitioner's location
- Pricing will include set up time if you DO NOT HAVE YOUR OWN TABLE.

Massage creates increased circulation which allows more oxygen to get to every part of your body, especially your muscles and other tissues. Getting extra circulation releases the build up of toxicity within the body. It also permits faster healing, when muscle, tendon, and ligament overuse/injury has occurred.
This happens because your inherent “protect me” radar is invited to ‘take a break’. In technical terms this means that your Sympathetic Nervous System – the fight or flight response, releases its control to the Parasympathetic Nervous System – your ‘chilax’ mode; similar to being asleep, watching a good movie, meandering in nature, or just indulging in your favorite ‘guilty’ pleasure. Once this happens, you relax. You know you have reached this achievement when your breathing becomes deeper, more rhythmic. Maybe, even, your stomach will gurgle. I like to call this your “constructive rest” phase of massage.
More than 70% of our body is water. We need extra water after a massage because of the increase in circulation. Increasing your water intake greatly supports your kidney’s ability to remove toxins, efficiently. At MetamorphosisBT, you will ALWAYS find a glass of water waiting for you in the therapy room!
I get why I might need more water in the summer, but is this true in the winter?
Yep, you betcha.
Dehydration can, and does, happen in the winter. Frankly, for most of us, it can be a daily challenge to get enough H20. A good rule to follow – if you notice you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. So drink up! Your muscles, skin, and mood will thank you.
Many articles have been written about the benefits of massage, and below you will find a link to the Mayo Clinic’s input on this subject. For right now, why massage is good for you, because you deserve to feel healthy, a sense of well-being, calm, and restored. You deserve to spend time, weekly, monthly, or as often as you can in a restorative environment where you are genuinely and unconditionally positively regarded as valued.
Simple: to stay well tuned! Massage eases the burden of muscles that are being repetitively used and allows them to regenerate more quickly because of the enhanced circulation. This is true for weekend-warriors, as well.
Yes, and this would be discussed with you on a case by case basis. One sure sign that massage is not a good option for what ails you: if you think you should be at Urgent Care, the ER, or need to see your doctor. There may also be times when, as your practitioner, you might be referred to a medical or otherlicensed provider, before massage can begin or resume as part of your health-care.